R. Thaxter ; D. Linder [1 - 1000]

Cornell University Plant Pathology Herbarium
Catalog #: Rel.Farlow.0789

University of Wisconsin-Madison Herbarium
Catalog #: WIS-F-0002615
D.H. Linder #s.n. 29 April 1936
Aleurodiscus macrodens Coker
United States, New York, Arnot Forest, near Ithaca

USDA United States National Fungus Collections
Catalog #: BPI 876565
Linder, D. H.; Welch, D. S.; White, L. s.n. 29 April 1936
Aleurodiscus macrodens Coker
United States, New York, Ithaca near, Arnot Forest

University of Cincinnati, Margaret H. Fulford Herbarium - Fungi
Catalog #: CINC-F-0003614
Linder, D.H. #s.n. 29 April 1936
Aleurodiscus macrodens Coker
United States, New York, Tompkins, Ithaca; Arnot forest near Ithaca