S. Lundell and J.A.F. Nannfeldt [1-2800]

USDA United States National Fungus Collections
Catalog #: BPI 1109961
Lundell S.; Morander R. s.n. 06 July 1948
Anthracobia maurilabra (Cooke) Boud.
Sweden, Uppland: Uppsala, Stadsskogen, ca. 300 M W. of Skogshall.

USDA United States National Fungus Collections
Catalog #: BPI 985685
Lundell S.; Morander R. s.n. 06 July 1948
Anthracobia maurilabra (Cooke) Boud.
Sweden, Uppland: Uppsala, Stadsskogen, ca. 300 M W. of Skogshall.