Underwood & Cook, Cent. Illustr. Fungi
Underwood, L.M.; Cook, O.F. [1-100]
IndExs #180334389

University of Florida Herbarium - Fungi
Catalog #: FLAS-F-07487
LM Underwood s.n. 00 May 1889
Ustilago striaeformis Johnston{?}
United States, New York, Onondaga, Syracuse

USDA United States National Fungus Collections
Catalog #: BPI 1037664
LM Underwood s.n. 00 May 1889
Tilletia striiformis (Westend.) Magnus
United States, New York, Onondaga, Syracuse

USDA United States National Fungus Collections
Catalog #: BPI 1037761
LM Underwood s.n. 00 May 1889
Tilletia striiformis (Westend.) Magnus
United States, New York, Onondaga, Syracuse

Brown University Herbarium
Catalog #: CBRU00010803
LM Underwood and OF Cook s.n. 00 May 1889
Tilletia striaformis
United States, New York, Onondaga, Syracuse;