Underwood & Cook, Cent. Illustr. FungiUnderwood, L.M.; Cook, O.F. [1-100] IndExs #180334389
University of Florida Herbarium - Fungi
LM Underwood s.n. 00 May 1889
Ustilago striaeformis Johnston{?}
United States, New York, Onondaga, Syracuse
USDA United States National Fungus Collections
LM Underwood s.n. 00 May 1889
Tilletia striiformis (Westend.) Magnus
United States, New York, Onondaga, Syracuse
USDA United States National Fungus Collections
LM Underwood s.n. 00 May 1889
Tilletia striiformis (Westend.) Magnus
United States, New York, Onondaga, Syracuse
Brown University Herbarium
LM Underwood and OF Cook s.n. 00 May 1889
Tilletia striaformis
United States, New York, Onondaga, Syracuse;