C.L. Shear [1-400]

Chrysler Herbarium - Mycological Collection
Catalog #: CHRB-F-0005842
s.n. 00 May 1893
Diatrypella prominens Howe
United States, New York, Alcove;

University of Nebraska State Museum, C.E. Bessey Herbarium - Fungi
Catalog #: NEB00050711
C. L. Shear s.n. 00 May 1893
Diatrypella prominens Howe
United States, New York, Albany, Alcove;

Michigan State University Herbarium non-lichenized fungi
Catalog #: MSC0186377
C. L. Shear s.n. 00 May 1893
Diatrypella prominens Howe
United States, New York, Alcove;

USDA United States National Fungus Collections
Catalog #: BPI 1021549
C. L. Shear s.n.
Diatrypella prominens (Howe) Ellis & Everh.
United States, New York, Alcove

Field Museum of Natural History
Catalog #: C0240573F
C. L. Shear #s.n. 00 May 1893
Diatrypella prominens (Howe) Ellis & Everh. (Howe) Ellis & Everh.
U.S.A., New York, Albany, Alcove; Alcove

University of Wisconsin-Madison Herbarium
Catalog #: WIS-F-0006181
C. L. Shear #s.n. 00 May 1893
Diatrypella prominens Howe
United States, New York, Alcove;

USDA United States National Fungus Collections
Catalog #: BPI 579502
Shear C. L. s.n.
Diatrypella prominens (Howe) Ellis & Everh.
United States, New York, Alcove