Dataset: FH
Search Criteria: French Guiana; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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Harvard University, Farlow Herbarium

barcode-00213476E. M. Mélinon   109
French Guiana

barcode-00213477E. M. Mélinon   84
French Guiana, maroni

barcode-00213478E. M. Mélinon   104
French Guiana, maroni

Lasiosphaera Reichardt
barcode-00373623A. Y. Rossman, C. Feuillet & L. E. Skog   1986-11-04
French Guiana, [data not captured]

Cookeina speciosa (Fries) Dennis
barcode-00432477W. E. Broadway   418B1921-00-00
French Guiana, [data not captured]

Cookeina tricholoma (Montagne) Kuntze
barcode-00432536W. E. Broadway   6921921-07-06
French Guiana, [data not captured]

Encoelia heteromera (Montagne) Nannfeldt
barcode-00433222A. Y. Rossman & C. Feuillet   AR 33321988-02-25
French Guiana, French Guiana: 15km from Cayenne, Remire, trail to Vidal old farm, secondary forest, -52.3 -40.8666666667

barcode-00290591G. J. Samuels & J. R. Boise   29911986-01-18
French Guiana, Saint-Laurent du Maroni, ca. 15 km SW of Saül toward Mt. Galbao, 600 - 650m

Aecidium Pers.
barcode-01012572W. E. Broadway   9061921-07-18
French Guiana, Cayenne, [no additional data]

barcode-00781501F. M. R. Leprieur   1003
French Guiana, Guyane

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Google Map

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Google Earth (KML)

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