Dataset: MU
Search Criteria: Japan; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-34 of 34

Miami University, Willard Sherman Turrell Herbarium

000150251A. Yasuda   2015381921-08-14
Japan, Kyushu, Naoiri-gun, Ooita prefecture., 33.198989 131.433527, 229m

000150723R. Moran   49881955-03-13
Japan, Madeira., 26.508333 128

000150727B. Lee   s. n.1946-04-00
Japan, Shimabuku, at Hwy. 5 Okinawa, Ryuku Islands., 26.323761 127.800562, 20 - 120m

000151243R. Imazeki   2072051939-08-10
Japan, Kuresaka-toge, Gunma prefecture., 36.5 138.983333

000151260Imaze   2073331939-10-08
Japan, Umenokidaira, Minamitama-g, Tokyo pref., 35.677693 139.765207

Stereum bicolor (Pers.) Fr.
000152593T. Nukumizu   25821950-11-27
Japan, Taisyomati, Hatagun, Koti Prefecture, Sikoku., 32.899151 132.857457, 80 - 700m

Stereum fuscum Britzelm.
000153086T. Nukumizu   25831950-11-27
Japan, Taisyomati, Hatagun, Koti Prefecture, Sikoku., 32.899151 132.857457, 80 - 700m

000153110T. Nukumizu   25581950-11-27
Japan, Taisyomati, Hatagun, Koti Prefecture, Sikoku., 32.899151 132.857457, 80 - 700m

Stereum hirsutum (Willd.) Pers.
000153455W. B. Cooke   421871983-09-05
Japan, Mount Fuji., 35.366 138.733

000153915K. Juama   2081531940-05-26
Japan, Mt. Kusigata, Yamanasi pref., 35.644632 138.373291

Stereum princeps (Jungh.) Lév.
000154263T. Nukumizu   25611950-11-27
Japan, Taisyomati, Hatagun, Koti Prefecture, Sikoku., 32.899151 132.857457, 80 - 700m

Crucibulum laeve (Huds.) Kambly
000161760W. B. Cooke   618411983-09-05
Japan, Mt. Fuji, 35.366 138.733

Coltricia cinnamomea (Jacq.) Murrill
000163596W. B. Cooke   618221983-09-05
Japan, lower slopes, Mt. Fuji, 35.366 138.733

Phellinus gilvoides (Petch) Ryvarden
000164209T. Nukumizu   25471950-11-27
Japan, Taisyomati, Hatagun, Koti, Sikoku., 32.899151 132.857457, 80 - 700m

Phellinus gilvus (Schwein.) Pat.
000019296T. Nukumizu   25441950-11-27
Japan, Taisyomati, Hatagun, Koti, Sikoku., 32.899151 132.857457, 80 - 700m

Phellinus setulosus (Lloyd) Imazeki
000164535T. Nukumizu   s.n.1950-11-27
Japan, Taisyomati, Hatagun, Koti, Sikoku., 32.899151 132.857457, 80 - 700m

Microporus luteus (Nees) Pat.
000206203T. Nakumizu   25371950-11-27
Japan, Taisyomati, Hatagun, Koti, Sikoku., 32.899151 132.857457, 80 - 700m

Coriolus consors (Berk.) Imazeki
000208631T. Nukumizu   25071950-11-27
Japan, Taisyo mati, Hatagun, Koti Prefecture, Sikoku, 32.899151 132.857457, 80 - 700m

Coriolus hirsutus (Wulfen) Pat.
000153541T. Nukumizu   25091950-11-27
Japan, Taisyo mati, Hatagun, Koti Prefecture, Sikoku, 32.899151 132.857457, 80 - 700m

000190386W. B. Cooke   618391983-09-05
Japan, Mt. Fuji, 35.366 138.733

Columnocystis abietina (Pers.) Pouzar
000191221W. B. Cooke   618371983-09-05
Japan, Base of Mt. Fuji, 35.366 138.733

000191740J. Nakumizu   s.n.1950-11-27
Japan, Sikoku, Koti Prefecture, Taisyomati, Hatagun, 32.899151 132.857457, 80 - 700m

Cycloporellus iodinus (Mont.) Murrill
000191743R. Imazeki   27091950-10-28
Japan, Kyinsu, Uchinomaki, Kimotuki-gun, Kasosima, 31.178826 130.913451

Cyphella pendula (Schwein.) Fr.
000191769A. Yasuda   s.n.1915-10-03
Japan, Miyazi prefecture, Sendai, 38.266667 140.866667

Daedaleopsis confragosa (Bolton) J. Schröt.
000192239T. Nukumigu   25161950-11-27
Japan, Sikoku, Koti Pref., Taisyomati, Hatagun, 33.027838 132.737305

000275755Dorsett   3601929-06-26
Japan, Mt. Fuji, 35.364011 138.735518

mycosphaerella nawae Hiura & Ikata
000273150S. Kawada   706681929-09-00
Japan, Oshima, Tomita-mura, Asaka-Gun, Fukushima, 36.316667 139.533333

Xylaria liquidambaris J.D. Rogers, Y.M. Ju & F. San Martin
000297085Django Grootmyers   2548172016-06-15
Japan, Tokyo, Hachioji. Growing on Liquidambar formosana seedpods., 35.6582 -139.296

Xylaria liquidambaris J.D. Rogers, Y.M. Ju & F. San Martín
57516Django Grootmyers   2016-06-15
Japan, Tokyo, Hachioji. Growing on Liquidambar formosana seedpods., 35.6582 139.296

Tapinella panuoides (Batsch) E.-J. Gilbert
57809Django Grootmyers   2016-06-15
Japan, Tokyo, Hachioji. Growing on a conifer log. Probably Cryptomeria japonica. Spore print yellowish brown.

Nigroporus vinosus (Berk.) Murrill
57860Django Grootmyers   2016-06-15
Japan, Tokyo, Hachioji. Growing on a decorticated log. All structures inamyloid. Dimitic. All hyphae smooth. Skeletal hyphae brown. Generative hyphae clamped and hyaline. Spores hyaline, allantoid and smooth. Spores were difficult to measure so spore measurements may be a bit off. Spore measurements from Piximetre:(3.7) 3.72 - 4.6 × (1.5) 1.52 - 2.08 (2.1) µm, Q = 2.2 - 2.56 (2.6); N = 4, Me = 4.1 × 1.8 µm; Qe = 2.3 Individual spores: 3.72 x 1.63 µm, 4.09 x 1.88 µm, 3.89 x 1.52 µm, 4.60 x 2.08 µm

57901Django Grootmyers   2016-06-06
Japan, Tokyo, Minato-ku. Growing on the dead root of a Prunus species. Appeared to be perennial. Trimitic. Skeletal hyphae dextrinoid. Generative hyphae clamped. Spores thick-walled, truncate and slightly dextrinoid. Spore measurements from Piximetre: 5.2 - 5.6 (5.8) × (3.5) 3.6 - 4.1 (4.4) µm, Q = (1.2) 1.3 - 1.5; N = 10, Me = 5.4 × 3.9 µm; Qe = 1.4 Individual spores: 5.49 x 3.96 µm, 5.17 x 4.06 µm, 5.50 x 3.93 µm, 5.25 x 3.48 µm, 5.23 x 4.01 µm, 5.29 x 3.59 µm, 5.85 x 3.83 µm, 5.56 x 3.78 µm, 5.17 x 3.78 µm, 5.21 x 4.35 µm, 35.6356 139.7372

Fuscoporia setifera (T. Hatt.) Y.C. Dai
57947Django Grootmyers   2016-06-09
Japan, Tokyo, Hachioji. Growing on hardwood sticks. Effused-reflexed with a hairy cap. Locally common. Setae present. Dimitic. Generative hyphae simple septate. Could not find unambiguous spores but this seems to be a pretty distinctive species.

Bonomyces arnoldii (Boud.) P.-A. Moreau, Vizzini & P. Alvarado
58163Django Grootmyers   2016-06-06
Japan, Tokyo, Minato-ku, Institute for Medical Science. Growing singly in soil among leaf litter under Prunus x yedoensis and Trachycarpus fortunei. Picea (?) further away. Stem fleshy and fibrous, with a granular pseudopannular zone at the apex. Gills cross-veined. All structures inamyloid. Pileipellis a cutis with internal pigment.Clampes present in the lamellar trama. Pleurocystidia and cheilocystidia absent. Basidia 4-sterigmate. Spores smooth, hyaline and thin-walled. Spore measurements: (6.1) 6.4 - 8.5 (8.7) × (3.8) 3.9 - 5.4 (5.6) µm, Q = (1.3) 1.4 - 1.8 (1.9); N = 30, Me = 7.6 × 4.6 µm; Qe = 1.6

Page 1, records 1-34 of 34

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