University of Washington Herbarium (WTU)
The University of Washington Herbarium's total holdings number over 600,000 specimens of vascular and nonvascular plants, fungi, lichens, and marine algae. The mycological collection consists of over 48,000 specimens (350 of these being types) primarily from Washington and Oregon.
Contacts: David Giblin,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 26 February 2025
Collection Statistics
80,225 specimen records
50,716 (63%) georeferenced
64,378 (80%) with images (200,071 total images) 9 GenBank genetic references 46,788 (58%) identified to species 281 families 1,034 genera 5,596 species 6,050 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
Cerioporus (11 ) Cerrena (19 ) Coriolopsis (1 ) Coriolus (10 ) Cryptoporus (25 ) Daedaleopsis (27 ) Favolus (20 ) Fomes (67 ) Funalia (5 ) Hapalopilus (11 ) Hexagonia (1 ) Hirschioporus (8 ) Laricifomes (13 ) Lentinus (89 ) Lentodium (1 ) Lenzites (45 ) Leptoporus (3 ) Lopharia (4 ) Melanopus (12 ) Neolentinus (87 ) Oligoporus (31 ) Pachykytospora (3 ) Panus (77 ) Perenniporia (15 ) Picipes (5 ) Pogonomyces (1 ) Polyporellus (5 ) Polyporus (454 ) Poria (223 ) Poronidulus (5 ) Pycnoporus (18 ) Pyrofomes (1 ) Skeletocutis (3 ) Spongipellis (11 ) Trametella (3 ) Trametes (157 ) Trichaptum (85 ) Tyromyces (178 )