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Amauroderma schomburgkii
(Mont. & Berk.) Torrend
(redirected from:
Polyporus brunneopictus
Amauroderma gusmanianum
Amauroderma heteromorphum
(Lév.) Torrend,
Amauroderma mosselmanii
Amauroderma ocellatum
(Berk.) Lloyd ex Wakef.,
Amauroderma papillatum
(Lloyd) Torrend,
Amauroderma regulicolor
(Berk. ex Cooke) Murrill,
Fomes brunneopictus
(Berk.) Cooke,
Fomes cassiicolor
(Berk.) Cooke,
Fomes glaziovii
(Berk.) Sacc.,
Fomes heteromorphus
(Lév.) Cooke,
Fomes ocellatus
(Berk.) Cooke,
Fomes regulicolor
Berk. ex Cooke,
Fomes schomburgkii
(Mont. & Berk.) Sacc.,
Fomes semiclausus
(Berk.) Cooke,
Fomes xylodes
(Berk.) Cooke,
Ganoderma papillatum
(Lloyd) Sacc. & Trotter,
Ganoderma schomburgkii
(Mont. & Berk.) Pat.,
Ganoderma xylodes
(Berk.) Pat.,
Polyporus brunneopictus
Polyporus cassiicolor
Polyporus glaziovii
Polyporus heteromorphus
Polyporus ocellatus
Polyporus papillatus
Polyporus schomburgkii
Mont. & Berk.,
Polyporus semiclausus
Polyporus xylodes
Scindalma brunneopictum
(Berk.) Kuntze,
Scindalma cassiicolor
(Berk.) Kuntze,
Scindalma glaziovii
(Berk.) Kuntze,
Scindalma heteromorphum
(Lév.) Kuntze,
Scindalma ocellatum
(Berk.) Kuntze,
Scindalma regulicolor
(Berk. ex Cooke) Kuntze,
Scindalma schomburgkii
(Mont. & Berk.) Kuntze,
Scindalma semiclausum
(Berk.) Kuntze,
Scindalma xylodes
(Berk.) Kuntze
The New York Botanical Garden
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The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
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