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Apiognomonia errabunda
(Roberge ex Desm.) Höhn.
Apiognomonia quercina
(Kleb.) Höhn.,
Apiognomonia tiliae
(Rehm) Höhn.,
Discula umbrinella
(Berk. & Broome) M. Morelet,
Gloeosporidium tiliae
(Oudem.) Petr.,
Gloeosporidium umbrinellum
(Berk. & Broome) Höhn.,
Gloeosporium fagi
Gloeosporium tiliae
Gloeosporium umbrinellum
Berk. & Broome,
Gnomonia errabunda
(Roberge ex Desm.) Auersw.,
Gnomonia quercina
Gnomonia tiliae
Gnomonia veneta
(Saccardo & Spegazzini) Klebahn,
Labrella fagi
Roberge ex Desm.,
Laestadia errabunda
(Roberge ex Desm.) Rehm,
Myxosporina fagi
(Roberge ex Desm.) Höhn.,
Myxosporina tiliae
(Oudem.) Höhn.,
Sphaeria errabunda
Roberge ex Desm.
Open Interactive Map
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden
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