Virginia Tech University, Massey Herbarium - Fungi (VPI)

The mycological collections at Virginia Tech include primarily Basidiomycetes with emphases on the Agaricales, Boletales, Gasteromycetes, and the Aphyllophorales. In addition, a small Ascomycete collection with emphasis on Discomycetes is present. The collection has been a pivotal part of the program of teaching and research in mycology over the past from 1970 through 2005. With the retirement of Dr. Orson K. Miller, the mycological collection entered a static stage in terms of growth. In 2012, the bulk of the collection was transferred to the New York Botanical Garden with 5400 specimens from the Southeastern United States remaining at VPI. Many collections are complemented by fresh notes, color transparencies and black and white negatives. A Microsoft Access database contains nearly 15,000 records, including all specimens currently housed at VPI. The mycological herbarium is participated in the Macrofungi Collections Consortium Digitization Project during 2013-2014 and is now available online.

Prior to being moved to the New York Botanical Garden, the collection contained an estimated 29,500 specimens. Geographical coverage included major collections from Virginia and the Appalachian region, central Idaho and northwestern Montana. In addition, an Alaskan collection numbered more than 6000 with emphasis on arctic and alpine tundra fungi. Major foreign collection were from Europe, Western Australia, Republic of Korea and from The Greater Antilles, especially Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, and Jamaica. Additional collections came from Canada, Japan, South Africa, and Thailand. Those interested in consulting specimens from outside the SE United States region should contact the New York Botanical Garden.

Contacts: Dr. Jordan Metzgar,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Global Unique Identifier: 47215d96-89c4-4890-b6a8-9c9f8dafacce
Digital Metadata: EML File
Collection Statistics
  • 5,520 specimen records
  • 5,414 (98%) georeferenced
  • 5,087 (92%) with images (5,375 total images)
  • 4 GenBank genetic references
  • 4,522 (82%) identified to species
  • 138 families
  • 420 genera
  • 1,607 species
  • 1,641 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
Geographic Distribution
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